Eat more to lose weight not less.
There's no science to support the dangerous myth that you must "eat less to lose weight."
For example...
A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health followed nearly 49,000 women for 8 years. One group of women ate an average of 120 fewer calories every day…
That's 350,400 fewer calories overall.
So after 8 years, they must have been a lot thinner, right?
The lower-calorie women were less than a pound lighter. That is not a typo. Eating 350,400 fewer calories had less than 1 percent of the impact predicted by conventional calorie math.
Conventional diet thinking is based on the assumption that taking in fewer calories forces our bodies to burn fat. Scientists know this is false... so it's time you knew the truth.
Restricting the number of calories you consume can only lead to one thing...
Complete and utter weight-loss failure for at least 19 out of 20 people! (specifically, a 95.4% failure rate)
That's the documented failure rate of conventional dieting... 95.4%. And it has never been your fault!
Here's why...
When you eat less food, your body does not automatically burn more body fat. It automatically burns fewer calories by slowing your metabolism.
That's very bad.
That's why you feel tired, cold, and crabby when you're dieting. Your body and brain have slowed down.
But it gets worse.
When your body needs calories and it can't find any, it starts burning muscle -- NOT fat.
Studies have shown that up to 70% of the non-water weight lost when eating less is taken directly from your muscles.
Not good.
Want to set up someone to be fatter and sicker in the long run? Slow down her metabolism and take away muscle.
Here's proof…
In a groundbreaking journal article, an M.D. in the American Medical Association itself wrote that eating less makes us lose weight, Not "by selective reduction of adipose deposits (body fat), but by wasting of all body tissues…therefore, any success obtained must be maintained by ongoing undernourishment."
So if starving yourself is a bad idea for losing weight…
Then eating more food must be the answer to losing weight?
And it's not a theory.
It's a scientific fact supported by cutting-edge research from the finest medical minds on Earth.
Just look…
A study at the University of Connecticut found that people who ate 300 more calories per day burned more body fat. A University of Pennsylvania study found that people who ate 9,500 more calories over 6 months lost 200 percent more weight. A study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that people who ate 65,000 more calories over 4 months lost 141 percent more weight.
Once you understand the science that leads to real and lasting weight loss, your entire life will change for the better...
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